
Diametro medio: 1'390'950 km
Gravità: un essere umano di 70 chili sul Sole peserebbe 1955 kg
Periodo di rotazione medio: 25,38 giorni terrestri
Temperatura superficie esterna: 5500 °C
Temperatura nucleo: 15 milioni di gradi

Note: stella classificata "nana gialla" di tipo spettrale G2; nel nucleo solare avvengono le reazioni nucleari (fusione di nuclei di idrogeno in nuclei di elio) che producono luce e calore.

Average diameter: 1,390,950 km
Gravity: a 70 kg human would weigh 1,955 kg on the Sun
Average rotation period: 25.38 days
External surface temperature: 5,500 °C
Temperature of the core: 15 million degrees

Notes: The Sun has been classified as a G-2 star based on its spectral class and is referred to as a “yellow dwarf” star; the nuclear reactions which are responsible for the production of light and heat (the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei) take place in the Solar core.

Mittlerer Durchmesser: 1.390.950 km
Anziehungskraft: Ein 70 kg schwerer Mensch würde auf der Sonne 1.955 kg wiegen
Rotationsperiode: 25,38 Erdtage
Oberflächentemperatur: 5.500 Grad
Kerntemperatur: 15 Millionen Grad

Noten: Die Sonne ist ein Stern, der als “weißer Zwerg” der Spektralklasse G2 klassifiziert ist; in dem Sonnenkern finden die Kernreaktionen statt, die Licht und Wärme erzeugen (Fusion von Wasserstoff zu Helium).

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